Tuesday 24 April 2007

Malcolm Turnbull - a pattern of behaviour

“We’ve know about this all along.” Malcolm Turnbull on the Stern Report.
Oh yeah? So how come it’s taken until the rivers are empty to do something about it? And if this wasn’t an election year, and if there had been no Stern Report, would there even be a water plan at all? And what about this water plan that didn’t even get to cabinet, let alone the kind of public scrutiny that such a momentous issue needs, and is consequently not up to the job?

Let me remind you about Malcolm Turnbull’s role in another of the really great issues of recent times: the Constitutional Convention.

As head of the Australian Republican Movement (ARM) he went to the convention with a model that was never going to be accepted. And when that became clear during the convention, did he negotiate with interested parties to come up with a workable model that would be acceptable to a majority of delegates? No way. It was to be the ARM model (his Model) or nothing. And so it is with water. His plan. No one else gets a look in. And it’s turkey.

How do you sleep at night Malcolm?

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