Thursday 10 May 2007

ZIMBABWE – How come anyone’s still asking?

Should the undisputed champions of World Cricket be going to Zimbabwe? Is sport just sport and nothing else? Well, tobacco companies are just tobacco companies. They make products people want to buy. They’re just giving people what they want. What’s wrong with that? Going to Zimbabwe in the present circumstances would be like turning up at the Holocaust Deniers conference in Tehran to give a paper demonstrating that the Holocaust did occur, claiming that academic activity is just academic activity.

But there’s this other problem isn’t there. If the Australian team doesn’t go they’ll be fined $2 million. So? By whom? The International Cricket Council? Who the hell are they in any scheme of things that actuall matter? There’s a really simple solution to this. Two actually. The first one is to kick Zimbabwe out of the international cricket community. Then there’d be no need to go and no fine to pay. Can’t be done? Then here’s Plan B. Pull out of international cricket as it is presently constituted and start again. Who’s in a better position to do that right now than Australia - the undisputed masters of the cricket universe?

Why are you sneering? Hasn’t Australia done exactly that on the gravest moral issue facing the planet today? The Australian government refuses to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and has rallied it big mates to an alternative response. Compared with Global Warming getting cricket sorted out should be a synch.

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