Friday 24 April 2009

Space Cadet Reporting... Spacelag

Don't read this section if you are sane. It's complete and utter rubbish that was an appalling waste of time to write, let alone to read. If you're still with me, the foregoing is true, but you obviously don't care. This part of my account of the J2E is the continuation of my Starship fantasy that I began when I collected my new car from Cairns and drove it to Nirvana.
February 2009
You’ve heard of Jetlag. Well, I’ve discovered Spacelag.

Actually discovered is the wrong word because I have known about it ever since astronauts started returning from even just a few days in space, where their bodies adjust quickly to weightlessness without any felt ill effect, but became temporarily dysfunctional on returning to normal gravitational conditions, often experiencing both physical and mental pain.

Having travelled 10,000 megaparsecs (roughly the diameter of the universe – or from its outermost edge to the centre and back) in 32 earth days, there’s a good chance that what I am experiencing is Spacelag.

I said when I set out on the second trip that I was going to see if the first was as much fun as I thought. It was, and maybe I OD’d on fun. You know, being weightless – free of the weight of things-that-must-be-done, even if one is “retired” . I have been unable function normally since then.

I expected to have the account of the trip fully written up by now. But it’s no where near done – barely started, in fact. And things I told myself I would do this year remain just that – things I told myself I would do this year.

But the trip shall be written up, and all those other things will get done, even if it takes me more than one life time to get around to them. In the meantime I have attached three things that may amuse you – or not.

Attachment 1, Space flight calculations is a ditty that calculates the Warp speed of my Starship for the duration of the two journeys.

Attachment 2, How big is a light year? Is about… well, I guess you can work out what it is about.

Attachment 3, For those not into flights of fancy is the log summary of the journey – in kilometres.

Go jollily,

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